H- Broadway Homes


Location: Five jurisdictions throughout the Greater Baltimore Metro Region
Client: Homes for America
Contractor: Southway Builders
Size: 58 houses


Broadway Homes Scattered Site project required surveying and upgrading 58 previously market-rate, single-family homes into public housing rental units scattered throughout the Greater Metropolitan Region and integrated within “communities of opportunity,” defined by community health, economic opportunity, and educational opportunity. The project was in response to a consent decree which found fault with HUD for failure to provide adequate housing to low-income residents and perpetuated the hyper-concentration of poverty in Baltimore. The implementation of scattered site housing utilizes available housing stock throughout the city to deconcentrate poverty and provide dignified homes for all throughout our neighborhoods.

The work was completed with residents in place and scopes included energy-efficient systems minimizing utility costs and utilization of durable materials ensuring longevity and low maintenance for the resident and management.
